get in touch
Contact Us
Text, email, phone call, or online form—no matter how you reach out, we love to hear from you!
Hours and Location →
24-Hour Access
Need to contact ANHC outside of normal business hours? Call 907-743-7200. Your call will be answered by ANHC’s answering service and if appropriate, routed to our on-call provider.
If you are experiencing an emergency, please call 9-1-1.
View medical clinic, dental clinic, pharmacy, lab, and x-ray hours on our Hours page.
For general comments, questions, and concerns: Send an email to or call 907-743-7200, ext. 265.
Request a different provider or make a complaint: Complete a Patient Care Request.
Provide anonymous feedback: Complete this survey.
Online: Request a refill of an existing prescription at ANHC’s pharmacy
24/7 Refill Line: 907-743-7200
Online: Contact your care team to request a new prescription
Outreach and Enrollment
Phone: 907-743-7220
Medical Records
Online: Request your medical records | Request a release of information
Fax: 907-743-7255
Marketing & Media Relations