dental Care
Healthy Smiles
Your oral health is important to us! Our office is staffed by dedicated dental care professionals who provide a wide range of oral health care services for your entire family.
Same-day appointments are available for dental emergencies that involve pain with swelling or bleeding.
Dental Services
We provide emergency, preventive, and routine dental health care services to patients of all ages.
Routine dental exams
Simple and deep cleaning
Fluoride treatment
Oral cancer screening
Pediatric oral health care
Diabetes oral health care
Prenatal oral health care
Simple and surgical extractions
Minor oral surgery
Dentures and partial dentures
Simple and single-rooted root canal therapy
The more complex dental treatments will be referred to a specialist.
Your sliding fee discount applies to your dental services.
View our Dental Clinic hours.
Contact the Dental Clinic by phone at (907) 743-7202 or email at
We have a bilingual staff and offer translation services free of charge at every appointment.
Did you know…?
Your child’s first dental visit should take place after their first tooth appears, but no later than the first birthday.
Your dentist works directly with your ANHC care team, including medical providers and behavioral health clinicians, as a part of our patient-centered model of care.